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Dev workflow in Emacs with containers

From: Sébastien Gendre
Subject: Dev workflow in Emacs with containers
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 15:32:09 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.1; emacs 29.4


I got a few questions about how to integrate Emacs with a development
workflow who use containers.

First, a bit of context:

Emacs provide some great tools to integrate with the dev workflow:

- The `compile` function to compile or to run tests

- Integration with multiple debuggers (GDB, PDB, etc)

- Integration with multiple REPL (Python, Lua, etc)

- Shell and terminal to launch the newly developed software

These tools are great when the complied/tested/debugged/run software is
local. But I use more and more the containers. Even for micro-controller
firmware dev.

I use Podman, but the situation is similar with Docker. And my Emacs
process run outside of the containers.

My questions are:

What are your experience with using Emacs, the tools cited above and
containers ?

Do you use a `.dir-locals.el` to set the commands run by Emacs to
debugg/compile/etc ? Or do you use a Makefile with pre-defined targets
for test, debug, build, etc ?

How do you manage when Emacs highlight a link to a file, but the
obtained path correspond to the container file system while Emacs can
access this file from the host file system ?

Best regards

Gendre Sébastien

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