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Re: help with add-to-list syntax

From: Joel Reicher
Subject: Re: help with add-to-list syntax
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:22:02 +1100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

BP25 <> writes:

On Wed, Oct 30 2024, Joel Reicher wrote:
Hello! Could any of you be so kind as to help me understand this, please? I have

(custom-set-variables '(warning-suppress-types '((undo\ discard-info))))

in my .emacs. If I start emacs, do load-file .emacs, then evaluate (add-to-list 'warning-suppress-types '(undo\ discard-info)) I get an error saying the variable warning-suppress-types is void.

Instead of doing add-to-list, can you do C-h v and confirm the variable setting that you expected didn't work?
Do you mean this? -> If I start emacs, do load-file .emacs, then do C-h v warning-suppress-types then I see the value being ((undo\ discard-info))

Why are you doing a load-file .emacs? That should happen automatically, unless there is something very strange about your setup, and if there is something very strange about your setup, maybe that's the reason other things are failing?


       - Joel

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