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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Password on a MySQL Server

From: Edward Rudd
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Password on a MySQL Server
Date: 26 Feb 2003 12:26:54 -0600

The passwords are crypted..
so basically do this..
INSERT INTO user_name (username,password) VALUES
or you can use the php crypt function

$crypted_pass = crypt('mypass');
and then insert that contents of $crypted_pass into the Database.
make sure your password field is long enough though.. Mine is 34

On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 09:58, Mario - Firewalls wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to use GNU-Radius with MySQL, so I realized that the passwords 
> stored on a mysql server must be encrypted. Does it realy need to be 
> encrypted? could it be in cleartext/plaintext ?
> If not, how I encrypt the password before storing it ?
> I tryied to encrypt with md5sum(from slackware) with MD5,ENCRYPT and DES 
> functions of mysql, with functions of PHP(crypt,md5,base64_encode/decode) and 
> I did not get it working !
> PS: Using md5(php) and after using the function base64_encode I get a 
> supposed working string, but MySQL does not accept it on a varchar field, cuz 
> they're invalid chars.
> Please need help.
> Thanks a lot!
> Mario Leao.
> Firewalls Security Corporation
> Key fingerprint = C2BA B98D EE25 BEAF E0EF  4AD6 4B75 DDD2 1D74 97C7
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> Help-gnu-radius mailing list
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