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RE: [Help-gnu-radius] Please help me update my address book

From: Cline Communications, Corp.
Subject: RE: [Help-gnu-radius] Please help me update my address book
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 21:49:08 -0700

Sorry about that!  

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of
Corp. Cline Communications
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 4:53 PM
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Help-gnu-radius] Please help me update my address book

Hello address@hidden,

We're updating our address books. 

Please take a moment to update your latest contact information.

Your information is stored in my personal address book and will
not be shared with anyone else.

Plaxo is providing the service updating our address books.  It
is free, if you'd like to give it a try.

Click the following link to correct or confirm your information:

Name: address@hidden
Job Title: 
Work E-mail: address@hidden
Work Phone: 
Work Fax: 
Work Address Line 1: 
Work Address Line 2: 
Work City, State, Zip: 
Mobile Phone: 

Home E-mail: 
Home Phone: 
Home Fax: 
Home Address Line 1: 
Home Address Line 2: 
Home City, State, Zip: 
My current contact information:

P.S. I've included my Plaxo card below so that you have my current
information.  I've also attached a copy as a vCard.

 | Cline Communications, Corp.
 | address@hidden
 | Internet Services & Web Hosting
 | Cline Communications, Corp.
 | 2750 Salk Avenue STE. 107 (Physical)
 | Post Office Box 3078 (Mailing)
 | Richland, WA 99352-1500

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via Plaxo.  To have Plaxo automatically handle these messages
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