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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Problem with authentication with User-Password

From: Gerald
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Problem with authentication with User-Password
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 15:36:11 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Hans Jorgensen wrote:

> I have a problem when I use the User-Password attribute in authentication
> requests. When I use the User-password attribute the user is rejected. If I
> use the exact same parameters but the CHAP-password attribute instead, the
> user is accepted.

I can't help ya with the first one, but my guess would be your system
crypt function is not working with radius somehow properly.

> How do I use radtest?

Sample setup for being able to test with radtest from localhost.

Put an entry in raddb/clients for
#Client Name            Key
#----------------       -------------------
localhost               mykey

# Put an entry in raddb/client.conf use the ports relevant to your setup
server local mykey 1645 1646
timeout 3
retry 1

Restart radius to read clients file:
radctl reload

test a valid account:
radauth user pass

PASS means it authenticated FAIL means it didn't.


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