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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Problem with mpd

From: Sergey Poznyakoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Problem with mpd
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 01:25:26 +0200

Hi Morten,

> I've tried to use the microsoft dictonary from freeradius with no luck:
> Jan 20 20:34:09 reading /usr/local/etc/raddb/config
> Jan 20 20:34:09 Main.error: /usr/local/etc/raddb/dict/ms:9: unknown keyword
> Jan 20 20:34:09 Main.error: /usr/local/etc/raddb/dict/ms:10: invalid
> type

Unfortunately the file shipped with FreeRadius
has an incompatible format. Try the attached file.

> Jan 20 21:03:02 Auth.notice: Login incorrect [morw/]

The  terimal server either did not send User-Password attribute.

By the way, you've forgotten to include raddb/users entry for morw.


#       Microsoft's VSA's, from RFC 2548
# NOTE: It is not quite sure what to do with MS-MPPE-Send-Key and
# MS-MPPE-Recv-Key attributes. The slight modification of 'T'
# encoding should probably do, but I haven't studied the RFC well
# enough to tell.

VENDOR          Microsoft       311

ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Response        1       string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Error           2       string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-CPW-1           3       string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-CPW-2           4       string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-LM-Enc-PW       5       string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-NT-Enc-PW       6       string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 7     string Microsoft []b
# This is referred to as both singular and plural in the RFC.
# Plural seems to make more sense.
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Encryption-Type 8       string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types  8     string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-RAS-Vendor           9       integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Domain          10      string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Challenge       11      string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys       12      string Microsoft []bE
ATTRIBUTE       MS-BAP-Usage            13      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold 14 integer # values are 1-100
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit 15      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Send-Key        16      string Microsoft []b    
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Recv-Key        17      string Microsoft []b    
ATTRIBUTE       MS-RAS-Version          18      string Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Old-ARAP-Password    19      string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-New-ARAP-Password    20      string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason 21     integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE       MS-Filter               22      string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Acct-Auth-Type       23      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Acct-EAP-Type        24      integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP2-Response       25      string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP2-Success        26      string Microsoft []b
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP2-CPW            27      string Microsoft []b

ATTRIBUTE       MS-Primary-DNS-Server   28      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Secondary-DNS-Server 29      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Primary-NBNS-Server  30      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server 31     integer Microsoft

#ATTRIBUTE      MS-ARAP-Challenge       33      string Microsoft []b

#       Integer Translations

#       MS-BAP-Usage Values

VALUE           MS-BAP-Usage            Not-Allowed     0
VALUE           MS-BAP-Usage            Allowed         1
VALUE           MS-BAP-Usage            Required        2

#       MS-ARAP-Password-Change-Reason Values

VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Just-Change-Password            1
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Expired-Password                2
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Admin-Requires-Password-Change  3
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Password-Too-Short              4

#       MS-Acct-Auth-Type Values

VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       PAP             1
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       CHAP            2
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       MS-CHAP-1       3
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       MS-CHAP-2       4
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       EAP             5

#       MS-Acct-EAP-Type Values

VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        MD5             4
VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        OTP             5
VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        Generic-Token-Card      6
VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        TLS             13

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