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[Help-gnu-radius] Group Attribute

From: Sergey Velikanov
Subject: [Help-gnu-radius] Group Attribute
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 18:45:39 +0500


For example I have two group of users. First group has Session-Timeout
= 1000 and the second has Session-Timeout = 2000. How shell I able to
do that if I assign user with group he receive all group's Attributes.

I wish something like this

-----------------------------------------------   --------------------------
| Group name  | Attr            | Value  | Op  |  | User Name | Group name |
|----------------------------------------------|  |-------------------------
|  Test       | Session-Timeout | 1000   | =   |  | foo       | Test       |
|  Test       | bla-bla         |        |     |  | bar       | Internet   |  
|  Test       | bla-bla         |        |     |  --------------------------
|  Internet   | Session-Timeout | 2000   | =   |       
|  Internet   | bla-bla         |        |     |
|  Internet   | bla-bla         |        |     |

And if user "foo" login, he receive Session-Timeout = 1000 Attribute
How can I do it?

PS Now I use gnuradius 1.1, and if I want change value of one
attribute I must write smth like "UPDATE attrib SET value = 1500
WHERE value = 1000"

This is my attrib table
| user_name   | Attr            | Value  | Op  |  
|  foo        | Session-Timeout | 1000   | =   |  
|  foo        | bla-bla         |        |     |  
|  foo        | bla-bla         |        |     |  
|  xyz        | Session-Timeout | 1000   | =   |       
|  xyz        | bla-bla         |        |     |
|  xyz        | bla-bla         |        |     |
|  qwe        | Session-Timeout | 2000   | =   |
|  qwe        | bla-bla         |        |     |
|  qwe        | bla-bla         |        |     |

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