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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] gnu radius on distributed servers

From: Sergey Poznyakoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] gnu radius on distributed servers
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 16:53:25 +0300

Hi Dan,

> Some new application will be soon using our radius server, and it use round
> robbin over all the server so it are also doing load balancing.
> If the requests are now going randomly to any of my three server, the acc
> request will go to a different server then the auth request, this will lead
> the radius server to have many open sessions and the accounting won't work.

Current alpha version of GNU Radius is able to use SQL database instead
of radutmp file for simultaneous-use checking. This will probably solve
your problem. The tarball is available from anonymous ftp:

(a bzipped archive is also available). To use the new feature, add
the following statement to your raddb/config:

mlc {
    method sql;

("mlc" stands for "multiple login checking"), and to your raddb/sqlserver
add definitions for the new queries mlc_user_query, mlc_realm_query,
mlc_stop_query. The first one is mandatory, the rest are optional.
You will find sample queries at the end of raddb/sqlserver file.

If you need more details on this, please let me know.



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