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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] about Auth-Type = SQL

From: Gerald
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] about Auth-Type = SQL
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 00:32:34 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, sy sy wrote:

> Is there any difference between "Auth-Type = SQL" and "Auth-Type =
> Local,Password-Location = SQL" ?

Yes. One way is to point to clear text passwords in the database and the
other expects encrypted passwords. Auth-Type = Local means the password is
stored in the database as "thisisthepassword" Auth-Type = SQL expects
$1$elTiH65l$kdID/pRf5h.dHU4cUi3PM.  or some other form of encrypted

> Password stored in passwd table in db RADIUS is plaintext.When I set
> "Auth-Type = SQL" in users profile authentication is failed while set
> "Auth-Type = Local,Password-Location = SQL" in users profile
> authentication is success.

Clear text passwords in your database is bad. :-) Not really, it's just
not very secure by most people's standards. If you put fort Knox level
security around the DB you should do just fine with it. Most times this
situation comes about from having to make gnu-radius fit in to what you
already have. If you have no root password on your database and mysql is
listening on a real world IP address on the default port, your database
won't remain solely yours for long.

> By the way , why less and less people ask questions ?

I always hope it's was because the manual already answers everything. Any
time I personally see a question that might be repeated, I ask for it to
be put in the manual. Between that and the archives of this list, there's
very little you can't make gnu-radius do easily without asking.


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