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[Help-gnu-radius] Ascend-Disconnect-Cause being logged as integer

From: bweir
Subject: [Help-gnu-radius] Ascend-Disconnect-Cause being logged as integer
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 16:19:08 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.5.0


I recently switched from freeradius to gnu radius and I'm using MySQL for
both authentication and accounting.

The Ascend-Disconnect-Cause attribute is now being logged in the
accounting table as an integer instead of a text description.

I have the following lines in raddb/dictionary:

$INCLUDE dict/ascend.vs         # MAX Ascend -- vendor-specific
VALUE           Ascend-Disconnect-Cause No-Reason                       0
VALUE           Ascend-Disconnect-Cause Not-Applicable                  1
VALUE           Ascend-Disconnect-Cause Resource-Has-Been-Quiesced      190
VALUE           Ascend-Disconnect-Cause Max-Call-Duration-Reached       195

The first line ($INCLUDE) i just uncommented.  The other lines (VALUE) i
copied from the freeradius dictionary because they didn't exist in any of
the dictionaries that came with gnu radius.  Anyway despite this being in
the dictionary file it's still being logged as the numeric value.  Is
there something i'm missing?

Oh yeah i'm using radius-1.2


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