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[Help-gnu-radius] Authentication Issue

From: Dave Breiland
Subject: [Help-gnu-radius] Authentication Issue
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 16:48:37 -0700 (PDT)

I am currently getting the following in my logs:

[4550]: Auth.notice: Login incorrect [username/.|<3*xl]

Unfortunately the password is nothing close to what I am typing!?
The NAS device is a Cisco AS5350.

Radiusd is actually running on a NIS master host, and I am trying to get radiusd to authenticate dial-in users to NIS. We have it running on an old version of radiusd on a Solaris machine. This machine is a RedHat 7.3 host.

I haven't found anything on the mailing-list archives...


I have the following configs:

address@hidden raddb]# cat clients
# For detailed description, run:
#       info Radius clients

#Client Name            Key
#----------------       -------------------
localhost               foobar      radauthkey

address@hidden raddb]# cat naslist
# For detailed description, run:
#       info Radius naslist

# NAS Name              Short Name      Type            Flags
#----------------       ----------      ----            ---------------
localhost               local           true      csco5350       as5300

address@hidden raddb]# cat users
# For detailed description, run:
#       info Radius users

DEFAULT Auth-Type = System,
                Simultaneous-Use = 1
        Service-Type = Framed-User,
                Framed-Protocol = PPP

## Be very careful with this:
ROOT    Auth-Type = System,
                Huntgroup-Name = "ROOT"
        Service-Type = RADIUS-Administrative-User


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