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Problem with gnu make

From: Eric Lilja
Subject: Problem with gnu make
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 16:11:44 +0100

Hello, I have to use MSVC++ for a project because we failed to get Cygwin's 
(and MingW's) gcc to produce a stable executable. Anyway, being a (or trying 
to be, hehe) a command line oriented guy I decided to use MSVC++ from the 
command line as much as possible. I couldn't find a decent reference that 
would get me started using nmake quickly so I thought why not use gnu make 
instead? I wrote this simple Makefile for gnu make that uses cl (the MSVC++ 
compiler and linker). Here's the Makefile:

CXX = cl
# /EHs: enable C++ EH (no SEH exceptions)
# /nologo: disable banner (basically prints version information of compiler 
and linker)
CXXFLAGS = /c /EHs /nologo
LD = cl
LDFLAGS = /link /nologo
OBJECTS = foo.obj
EXEC = foo.exe

all: $(OBJECTS)

%.obj: %.cpp
 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $@ $<

 rm -f *.obj *.exe

It seems to work just fine but there's one annoying problem. When it's 
compiling the .cpp-files to .obj-files, make sends this string to cl:
cl /c /EHs /nologo foo.obj foo.cpp
cl doesn't expect foo.obj to be there and ignores it and tells us about it:
cl : Command line warning D4027 : source file 'foo.obj' ignored
I would like to know how to get make to send the above string without 
foo.obj in it so I can get of the warning issued by cl.

Thanks for any replies

/ Eric

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