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Re: Make: puzzeling make behaviour ?

From: B Thomas
Subject: Re: Make: puzzeling make behaviour ?
Date: 20 Feb 2007 04:19:26 GMT
User-agent: slrn/ (Debian)


I changed the build rule to 

build:  $(PROGRAMS)
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o "$<" "$<".c

Shouldn't this work ? However I still have
the same problem.  This make file rule or something
else results in :
gcc -I/home/bt/include   -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lGL -lGLU -lm
-L/home/bt/lib -lgltk  Hello_World.c   -o Hello_World

Notice the order of the last two arguments.

Also gcc complains of missing symbols 
which are shown to be present by nm. These
are :


Output of nm/ar  commands is as follows :

 nm /home/bt/lib/libgltk.a

00000000 B cursorNum
00000100 C cursors
00000000 T tkNewCursor
         U tkRGBMap
00000230 T tkSetCursor
         U w
         U wRoot
         U XCreatePixmapCursor
         U XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData
         U XDefineCursor
         U xDisplay

         U deleteWindowAtom
00000008 B DisplayFunc
00000000 t DoNextEvent
00000004 C drawAllowFlag
         U exit
00000000 B ExposeFunc
0000001c B IdleFunc
0000000c B KeyDownFunc
00000000 D lastEventType
00000010 B MouseDownFunc
00000018 B MouseMoveFunc
00000014 B MouseUpFunc
00000004 B ReshapeFunc
000007b0 T tkDisplayFunc
00000720 T tkExec
00000790 T tkExposeFunc
00000800 T tkIdleFunc
000007c0 T tkKeyDownFunc
000007d0 T tkMouseDownFunc
000007f0 T tkMouseMoveFunc
000007e0 T tkMouseUpFunc
000007a0 T tkReshapeFunc
         U w
         U xDisplay
         U XEventsQueued
         U XLookupString
         U XNextEvent
         U XPeekEvent
         U XPending
         U XRefreshKeyboardMapping
         U XResizeWindow

000ee100 D bitmapFont
000a5f80 D filledFont
         U glBegin
         U glBitmap
         U glCallLists
         U glEnd
         U glEndList
         U glListBase
         U glNewList
         U glPixelStorei
         U glPopAttrib
         U glPushAttrib
         U glTranslatef
         U glVertex2f
0005de00 D outlineFont
         U strlen
00000000 D strokeFont
00000420 T tkCreateBitmapFont
000002c0 T tkCreateFilledFont
00000160 T tkCreateOutlineFont
00000000 T tkCreateStrokeFont
000004e0 T tkDrawStr

         U calloc
         U fprintf
         U free
         U glXMakeCurrent
         U stderr
00000000 T tkGetColorMapSize
00000140 T tkGetContext
00000130 T tkGetDisplayMode
00000110 T tkGetDisplayModeID
00000100 T tkGetDisplayModePolicy
00000020 T tkGetMouseLoc
00000080 T tkGetSystem
         U tkInitDisplay
00000150 T tkSetFogRamp
000004b0 T tkSetGreyRamp
00000740 T tkSetOneColor
000008a0 T tkSetOverlayMap
00000a00 T tkSetRGBMap
00000c80 T tkSetWindowLevel
         U w
         U XAllocColorCells
         U xDisplay
         U XQueryPointer
         U xScreen
         U XStoreColor
         U XStoreColors
         U XSync

00000040 t ConvertLong
00000000 t ConvertShort
         U fclose
         U fopen
         U fread
         U free
         U fseek
         U fwrite
         U malloc
         U perror
00000330 t RawImageClose
000004d0 t RawImageGetData
00000390 t RawImageGetRow
000000a0 t RawImageOpen
         U stderr
         U tkQuit
000005f0 T tkRGBImageLoad

         U cos
00000060 d faces.1
00000120 d faces.3
000001e0 d faces.5
000002a0 d faces.7
         U glBegin
         U glEnd
         U glEndList
         U glNewList
         U glNormal3fv
         U glPopMatrix
         U glPushMatrix
         U glRotatef
         U glTranslatef
         U gluCylinder
         U gluNewQuadric
         U gluQuadricDrawStyle
         U gluQuadricNormals
         U gluSphere
         U glVertex3fv
00000000 d n.0
000000c0 d n.2
00000180 d n.4
00000240 d n.6
         U sin
00000630 T tkSolidBox
000015c0 T tkSolidCone
000002a0 T tkSolidCube
00001470 T tkSolidCylinder
00000070 T tkSolidSphere
00000de0 T tkSolidTorus
00000450 T tkWireBox
00001540 T tkWireCone
000000f0 T tkWireCube
000013b0 T tkWireCylinder
00000000 T tkWireSphere
00000810 T tkWireTorus

00000040 D colorMaps
         U cursorNum
00000004 C deleteWindowAtom
         U DisplayFunc
         U drawAllowFlag
00000130 t ErrorHandler
         U exit
         U ExposeFunc
00000280 t FindBestMainVisual
00000420 t FindExactMainVisual
000007d0 t FindOverlayVisual
         U fwrite
00000810 t GetMainWindowType
         U glFinish
         U glFlush
         U glXChooseVisual
         U glXCreateContext
         U glXDestroyContext
         U glXGetConfig
         U glXIsDirect
         U glXMakeCurrent
         U glXQueryExtension
         U glXSwapBuffers
         U IdleFunc
         U KeyDownFunc
         U MouseDownFunc
         U MouseMoveFunc
         U MouseUpFunc
         U printf
         U puts
         U ReshapeFunc
         U stderr
00000000 T tkCloseWindow
00000a10 T tkInitDisplay
000001d0 T tkInitDisplayMode
000001f0 T tkInitDisplayModeID
000001e0 T tkInitDisplayModePolicy
00000250 T tkInitPosition
00000ae0 T tkInitWindow
00000fd0 T tkQuit
00000c40 D tkRGBMap
         U tkSetOverlayMap
         U tkSetRGBMap
00000ff0 T tkSwapBuffers
00000000 D w
000009b0 t WaitForMainWindow
000009e0 t WaitForOverlayWindow
00000008 B wRoot
         U XCloseDisplay
         U XCreateColormap
         U XCreateWindow
         U XDestroyWindow
00000000 B xDisplay
         U XFlush
         U XFree
         U XFreeColormap
         U XGetErrorText
         U XGetVisualInfo
         U XIfEvent
         U XInternAtom
         U XMapWindow
         U XOpenDisplay
00000004 B xScreen
         U XSetErrorHandler
         U XSetWMColormapWindows
         U XSetWMProperties
         U XSetWMProtocols
         U XStringListToTextProperty

ar t /home/bt/lib/libgltk.a

b thomas

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