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[Help-gnucap] Subcircuits parameters expressions

From: Rubén Gómez Antolí
Subject: [Help-gnucap] Subcircuits parameters expressions
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2007 20:17:53 +0200
User-agent: IceDove (X11/20070329)

Hello all,

I need to work with some PSpice libs (sigh!) for doing some university
practical exercices.

At first time I try with ngspice because it can "draw" output with
Kjwaves (nice (and fast to get) graphics for a good text document), but
I encounter some troubles about numparams options and after with table
expresions which do me to go back to Gnucap (and Octave drawing
graphics, :-( )

Well, I view in manual that Gnucap can manage table expressions and
param option, nice!

But, I encounter some troubles with parameters passed throug subcircuit

Reading doc I encounter that expressions how that:

.subckt subcircuit 1 2 3 params: n1=1 n2=2

are not admited and it need to transform in:

X1 a b c subcircuit n1=1 n2=2

Ok, no problem by that.

Some test after I encounter that expressions like this:

.subckt subcircuit 1 2 3
R1 1 2 {2*n1}
R2 2 3 {2*n2}
.ends subcircuit

finish in gnucap errors:

R1 inicio medio 2*res1
                 ^ ? what's this?
parameter *res1 has no value

In other hand, I encounter some troubles to trasnform table expressions:

*ELIM   2       0       TABLE {V(1,0)} = (-4V, -4V) (4V, 4V)
ELIM    2       0       V(1)    fuente1
.model fuente1 TABLE -4,-4 4,4

I'm not sure is this is correct, is it?

And, how to transform this other expressions:

Emon     dvdt0   0       TABLE {v(anode,cathode)} = (0 0) (2000 2000)
EdVdt    condvdt 0       TABLE {i(vdVdt)-100p*dVdt}  (0 0 ) (.1m 10)
Egate1   gate4   0       TABLE {i(Vigf)-0.95*Igt} (0 0) (1m 10)
Egon1    congate 0       TABLE {v(gate4)*v(anode,cathode)} (0 0) (10 10)
EItot    Itot    0       TABLE {i(VIak)+5E-5*i(VIgf)/Igt} (0 0) (2000 2000)
Eprod    prod    0       TABLE {v(anode,cathode)*v(Itot)} (0 0) (1 1)

Around the problem I read in other mails to this list about
gnucap-modelgen and I look for it in manual, I'm not sure but, it is
possible to "compile" these large libs (with many models) with
gnucap-modelgen to get a news devices to use in circuits with Gnucap?

Sorry if my questions are "too easy" but I'm some away (I'm working in
that days) from electronics circuits and need to finish these practical
works in order to finish my career.

There aren't a good guide to simulate circuit under Linux with a good
explain about sintax of the circuit and more. (I'm writing a "newbie
experience" guide with troubles and suggest, in spanish, is a treatment
with my teacher for do the work with Linux).

Thanks in advance and sorry for the big mail and for my bad english.

Salud y Revolución.

Libertad es poder elegir en cualquier momento. Ahora yo elijo GNU/Linux,
para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
Desde El Ejido, en Almería, usuario registrado Linux #294013

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