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[Help-gnunet] Bug Reports

From: Blake Matheny
Subject: [Help-gnunet] Bug Reports
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 22:04:48 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.99i

Hello GNUnet community!
first of all, I apologize for cross posting to the help-gnunet
and gnunet-developers lists. Second, recently we've started to
get a surge in bug reports. This is a good thing, since it means
that people are actually using GNUnet and are actively trying to
make it better. I'd like to thank everyone who has taken time to
track down a bug or report a bug. To make things easier for the
development team, we have added a script in contrib/ called to gather some system information for bug reports. If
people could be sure to include the output from before
submitting a bug report to mantis or the mailing lists it would 
be greatly appreciated. You can also enter the output into your
personal platform specification in Mantis to make it easier.

Generally, we would prefer to receive bug reports on Mantis rather
than on the mailinglists. help-gnunet is to help users, not to 
fill their mailboxes with reports on bugs in the latest CVS. You
are welcome to submit patches to the developer-mailinglist. If you
really want to report a bug via E-mail, use address@hidden

Thanks a bunch.


Blake Matheny

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