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Re: [Help-gnunet] Messaging system planned? (Was: Re: Etwas Content)

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] Messaging system planned? (Was: Re: Etwas Content)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 20:32:47 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 21 June 2002 05:11 am, David Hansen wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 21 at 18:17 Christian Muellner wrote:
> > 29C60CBE46F131B5CECB88B15E394BC1BBF9AC81 -803528760 94995
> > => Irre schwarze Story ueber einen verstorbenen Sysop einer Mailbox. <=
> > (filename: Zombie im, mimetype: unknown)
> >
> >
> > 83C70353E91C6064FD25EBF80BE27756A36F3C82 381640885 377754
> > => Elvish poem spoken by J.R.R. Tolkien <= (filename: JRRTolkien - LOTR -
> > Poem in Elvish.mp3, mimetype: audio/mp3)
> Is there some kind of usenet/frost like messaging system planned? I
> think it would be very usefull for this kind of messages.

Well, I would like to see one, but while I'd help with the design and 
questions, nobody has really started to work on it. If I remember right, Igor 
Wronsky was considering writing an RFC as a starting point for a design 
debate; if there is the need, I could also probably create a mailinglist for 
key-postings on GNU, but a good solution in code would of course be better 
:-). If somebody considers starting on coding, please keep in mind that it 
would be good to first set a standard for the format of the directories. So 
far, I would use some old-fashioned struct containing some magic number, 
version number, pseudonym, a public key, an RSA signature of the (hash of) 
the rest of the directory, maybe some checksum, maybe (optional?) a 
timestamp, and a list of RootNode structs (as used in GNUnet). The goal would 
be to keep the directory small in size and to keep parsing simple (as opposed 
to XML-ish designs). 

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