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Re: [Help-gnunet] gnunet-dns interface

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] gnunet-dns interface
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:02:20 +0100
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Dear Calvin,

SVN HEAD is currently having some connectivity issues, which are my
current priority to address. I don't know which version you're using,
but if it is SVN HEAD it might do to wait a few days and update
(assuming I manage to find & fix the issue(s), it is top on my list though).

The gnunet-dns virtual interface is used as one way how GNUnet can
intercept DNS queries to pass them to the GNU Name System.  So depending
on how you configured your system, it should be normal but not cause any
trouble, as only DNS traffic should be passed there anyway.  GNUnet's
own traffic (DNS and otherwise) will go through your normal network

Now, you should probably also see a gnunet-vpn interface for the GNUnet
VPN, unless you simply didn't configure that service to run (but in that
case I wonder why the DNS interceptor is running).

Finally, you should be able to just stop your peer and use
"gnunet-transport -t" or gnunet-setup (if you installed gnunet-gtk) to
test your network configuration.  If that works, most likely bugs are to
blame and not your configuration.

Happy hacking!


On 01/26/2015 12:09 AM, Calvin Heim wrote:
> After installing and (improperly?) configuring gnunet, I only see
> about three peers and my TCP connections graph fluctuates between 0
> and 1. I can see both src and dst packets on port 2086. I was
> wondering (perhaps incorrectly) if my connectivity problems were
> caused by reverse packet filtering on the gnunet-dns virtual interface
> as mentioned in the FAQ. However, running
> $ sudo tcpdump -D
> doesn't reveal a network interface called "gnunet-dns", even when the
> gnunet account and my account are both running gnunet-arm.
> Should there be an interface called "gnunet-dns"? Or is gnunet-dns
> just a placeholder for whatever network interface that gnunet uses,
> like wlan0 or eth0?
> Cheers,
> Calvin
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