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Re: Trouble installing GNUnet 0.16.3 on Linux Mint

From: Willow Liquorice
Subject: Re: Trouble installing GNUnet 0.16.3 on Linux Mint
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2022 15:24:01 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.9.1

Yep, just had to run ldconfig on the installation prefix and gnunet-arm was right as rain. Should probably make a note of this in the installation instructions...

On 04/06/2022 13:24, Christian Grothoff wrote:
On 6/4/22 14:02, Willow Liquorice wrote:
That's correct. Specifically, it's included in from /etc/

When Martin talks about the installation prefix, would that be /usr/local/lib, where the "unlocatable" libraries are?

Yes.  Anyway, with running 'ldconfig' and having the path in the configuration file, gnunet-arm should really start. If it does not, the Mint linker would have to be very broken. In any case, a linker not finding shared libraries despite the library location being correctly configured is not a GNUnet issue, but a distro issue (that said, I still think most likely you have a configuration issue that /usr/local/lib is not searched by the linker as it should).

My 2 cents


On 04/06/2022 08:56, Christian Grothoff wrote:
Do you have /usr/local/lib in /etc/


On 6/3/22 20:09, Willow Liquorice wrote:

I've decided to try and update the (hideously outdated) GNUnet
installation on my system, and have ran into some trouble after
completing the process: "gnunet-arm -s" crashes as it can't find its own
shared library.

I followed the conventional process for installation from the Git

sudo make install

When I run "gnunet-arm -s" (or "sudo -u gnunet gnunet-arm -s") as the
various slightly different installation guides suggest, I am met with
the following message:

gnunet-arm: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm stumped, as I've followed the installation instructions almost
exactly as they are in the README. I found the offending library in

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       21 Jun  3 18:54 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   106656 Jun  3 18:54

Is this correct?

Best wishes,

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