Ok, looking for some help here.
I have an NSMatrix full of DockTileCell's, which are subclassed from
NSActionCell. I'm doing everything progranatically, no GORM or
anything. I want to handle mouse clicks in my DockTileCell's. I know
and understand that I can use the NSCell startTrackingAt and variants to
see where the mouse is moving, no problem there, I am getting those.
However, how would I set it up so that I can detect double clicks in my
cells? I see that NSMatrix has the setDoubleAction, but I'm not really
sure how to set it up, as I'm doing this stuff programatically. Maybe
I should reimplement trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp instead of
NSMatrix's setDoubleAction? Can someone help me with this?
Much apreciated!
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