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Re: how? Hurrah! That's it!

From: reuss
Subject: Re: how? Hurrah! That's it!
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 02:19:31 GMT
User-agent: Pan/0.11.2 (Unix)

Your code works perfectly! But I don't really understand what is "delegate
method"? For me, it seems a normal method...
Could you indicate me some readings on the net about this to understand how 
your code
is working?

On Thu, 05 Feb 2004 02:08:09 +0100, Alexander Malmberg wrote:

> reuss wrote:
>> how do I connect a textfield to a textview? I dont really understand
>> how it should work, you know, I am a beginner (absolutely) andras
> The attached example shows how to limit the length of the string in a
> text field by subclassing and implementing the NSTextView delegate
> method. To use it, just allocate an instance of LimitedLengthTextField
> instead of NSTextField and call -setMaxLength: (defaults to 0).
> Depending on what you're trying to do, more sophisticated behavior in
> the delegate method may be necessary, but that shouldn't be too hard to
> do.
> - Alexander Malmberg

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