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Re: C code you would compile to run within GRUB2 (is that possible?) ...

From: Randy Goldenberg
Subject: Re: C code you would compile to run within GRUB2 (is that possible?) ...
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 18:52:32 -0800

You say that your goal is to "run code" rather than add to grub itself, but
what would be running at that stage of the boot process other than grub?

On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 1:08 PM Albretch Mueller <> wrote:

>  The way I understand GRUB2, since it must read the BIOS' data, you
> should be able to run code resembling dmidecode, but what about, say
> running sha512sum on the binary file dumped by: dmidecode --dump-bin
> ...?, and parsing and noticing specific differences on the sections
> relating to different: dmidecode  --type TYPE(s)?
>  As part of my own research, I need to somehow run code based on the
> information in the BIOS to customize the data in grub.conf file GRUB2
> uses to make its strategic decisions (not hack GRUB2's inner working).
>  Any tutorials, books, ... specifically about such developments you
> would recommend?
>  Debian Linux is my favorite distro.
>  Thank you,
>  lbrthcx

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