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[Help-gsl] Source code for HiCalc / breah of GPL for GSL

From: Dr. David Kirkby
Subject: [Help-gsl] Source code for HiCalc / breah of GPL for GSL
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:21:00 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20060120

I sent this message earlier to address@hidden but had not confirmed my registration to the list. Hence I am sending again.

The message was copied to address@hidden and address@hidden

It is clear that the scientific calculator 'HiCalc' which runs on PocketPC

uses the GNU Scientific library. You make no secret of that fact. It is *very* clear from this screen shot.

Now the GSL is released under the GNU General Public license as is cleared stated at:

That is released under the GPL and so HiCalc must be released under the GPL too. Yet it would appear HiCalc is closed source. There is no option to download the source code from the HiCalc web site and you charge a registration fee to use the calculator. This is clear from this screen shot.

Hence the obvious question is to ask whether you will change the license on HiCalc from its current on to the GPL and release the source code as you must do.

I am copying this email to one of the GSL mailing lists who I am sure would be interested about closed source software using a library which is distributed under the terms of the GPL.

Dr. David Kirkby

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