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Re: [Help-gsl] Matlab 7 x GSL

From: Robinson Pizzio
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] Matlab 7 x GSL
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:32:53 -0300

Hello Wei,

thanks for your answer to my question.
The point now is: I am working with huge matrices (at least 1024x1024,
typically 5000x3000, at most 7000x5000).
In this case you say that Matlab is faster than GSL ?
How about for loops? Do you think Matlab can run loops faster than C
I do need loops to solve my problem which is a kind of exhaustive test
for error probability.
Have you test memory charge also? I guess Matlab is so memory consuming.

Again, thank you very much for your help.



Em Ter, 2006-08-29 às 15:56 +0100, Wei Cheng escreveu:

> Yes, I am translating some matlab code into GSL, it turns out that GSL
> is faster than Matlab for basic matrix operation but the default
> linear algebra  implementation of GSL is only suitable for small
> matrix ,if you operate on large matrix (200X200), Matlab is much
> faster than GSL. The optimal implimentation of linear algebra is in
> ALTAS and LAPACK, which is what Matlab is using .
> So in summary, GSL is faster than Matlab  except for  linear algebra.
> I haven't installed ALTAS or LAPACK yet , so don't really know if they
> can outperforme Matlab.
> Hope this is useful.
> Wei
> On 8/26/06, Robinson Pizzio <address@hidden> wrote:
>         Does anybody have any kind of performance comparison between
>         Matlab 7
>         and GSL?
>         --
>         Robinson Pizzio
>         Ph.D. Candidate
>         Digital Signal Processing Research Laboratory (LPDS)
>         Electrical Engineering Graduate Program 
>         Federal University of Santa Catarina
>         E-mail: address@hidden
>                 address@hidden
>         URL:
>         _______________________________________________
>         Help-gsl mailing list
>         address@hidden

Robinson Pizzio
Ph.D. Candidate
Digital Signal Processing Research Laboratory (LPDS)
Electrical Engineering Graduate Program
Federal University of Santa Catarina

E-mail: address@hidden


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