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[Help-gsl] Re: sparse matrices (again)

From: Rodney Sparapani
Subject: [Help-gsl] Re: sparse matrices (again)
Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 13:11:20 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070419)

Brian Gough wrote:
At Wed, 25 Apr 2007 00:30:25 +0400,
Andrew Makhorin wrote:
I am wondering if it is planned to eventually provide GSL with general
sparse matrix routines (e.g. like those ones which are included in NAG,
ESSL, or Harwell Library)?

Thanks for your email.
So far we haven't added sparse matrices because it seemed like
this would require several sparse matrix representations to be
implemented in order to be useful, each with their own functions.

Due to the potentially large amount of work involved, it seemed
like this was best left to specialised sparse matrix packages.
As I understand it the number of sparse functions in the NAG
library is pretty big.

If you have any suggestions in this area I'd be glad to hear

Well, my thoughts are mixed if anyone wants to read them.  I view
this area as beyond GSL.  But, before I would recommend NAG (which
my center cannot afford), I'd like to see GSL recommend some free software like TAUCS or others that were mentioned in this thread. This is similar to the way GSL recommends FFTW. I remember you saying that GSL only recommends
free operating systems rather than open source ones like Mac OS X
or OpenSolaris (if you didn't already guess, these are my development platforms). So, let's not have double standards.


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