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Re: [Help-gsl] using GSL with ACML

From: Martin Jansche
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] using GSL with ACML
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 15:36:11 -0400

On 7/23/07, David Blei <address@hidden> wrote:
i'm having trouble using GSL with the ACML blas library.  it seems that GSL
expects "cblas" to be prepended to each function name.  instead of daxpy(),
GSL expects cblas_daxpy().

I think that's for good reasons.  I'm guessing the AMD library is
primarily a Fortran library, so its daxpy() routine will follow the
Fortran BLAS API.

has anyone successfully done this?  is there a
quick patch, other than rewriting the GSL blas interface?

I seem to recall that there are wrappers for BLAS-in-CBLAS or
CBLAS-in-BLAS on, but I don't remember which one, or if
both are present.

-- mj

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