Patrick, this is a great paper. It shows the same care you apply to
maintaining gsl. The writing is also very clear, and I love the table of
acronyms :-). Do you plan to submit for publication in a numerical analysis
journal, or submit to the arXiv?
The only previous quasi-report had been the ongoing design document that I kept
going with James and Brian in the early years, but it is a working design doc,
not anything of the scope you have shown here.
Tiny suggestions: alignment of equation 36 on page 5: "l >= 1" could be moved quite a bit
to the left. Maybe an extra & to make it match the start of the l >= 1, m > 0.
You might also want to also cite the reference manual (as we ask people to do
when they use gsl :-) ). A recent bibtex skeleton on that is the 2019 Network
Theory edition.
title={GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual},
author={Galassi, Mark and Davies, Jim and Theiler, James and Gough, Brian
and Jungman, Gerard and Alken, Patrick and Booth, Michael and Rossi, Fabrice
and Ulerich, Rhys},
publisher={Network Theory Limited}