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Re: Parameters for gsl_cdf_fdist_Q for p-value to compare nested models

From: Peter Johansson
Subject: Re: Parameters for gsl_cdf_fdist_Q for p-value to compare nested models
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2022 08:56:50 +1000
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Hi Stephan,

You might have better luck asking your question on a stats list, but here are my quick thoughts

On 22/12/22 19:14, Stephan Lorenzen wrote:
Dear list,

I want to compare how well different nested models fit my data, but I am not sure how to choose the parameters, and the more I google the more confused I am. Since tests on my real data gave way too small p-values, I decided to do tests on random data. The p-value is supposed to tell me how much better the full model fits the data, i.e. how much signal for the additional parameters is hidden in the data. Since I use random data (there is no signal at all), I would expect a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 for the p-values if I compare full vs nested models.

I do 10000 runs with 20 random normal distributed X and Y values (using gsl_ran_gaussian), equivalent to 20 data points. I do two fits:

M1: y =         a1x + a0  -> params1=1 (a0 does not count), df1=20-1-1=18
M2: y = a2x^2 + a1x + a0  -> params2=2 (a0 does not count), df2=20-2-1=17

I then calculate both errors (sum of squared residuals) and calculate F:

F = ((err1-err2) / (df1-df2)) / (err2/df2)

and calculate the p-value using

p=gsl_cdf_fdist_Q(F, df1-df2, df2)

I would expect a uniform distribution between 0 and 1, but the distribution is skewed and shows way more small values then big ones (see attached file), stating that the full model is "better" in most cases. Obviously, there is something wrong, so I have a couple of questions:

- is it correct that constant values (a0) do not count as parameters?

No, that seems wrong. If you have two data points and a model y = a1*x + a0, the model can always be perfectly fit to the data, i.e., zero df.

- is my calculation of the degrees of freedom correct?
- did I calculate F correctly?
I usually calculate it as a ratio squared error for one model over squared errors of the other. I'd start with the log-likelihoods and calculate the log-likelihood ratio. Possibly it can be translated to your formula, but looks odd.

- did I insert the right parameters in gsl_cdf_fdist_Q?
- is my assumption that I expect a uniform distribution of p-values correct?

That's correct (given that the null hypothesis is true).



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