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Re: gsl/gcc

From: Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate
Subject: Re: gsl/gcc
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 13:56:10 -0700

> Why doesn't adherence to IEEE 754, the Floating Point standard, provide a
guarantee of behavior? This behavior should be consistent with the IEEE 754
error issues.

IEEE 754 provides no absolute guarantee.  There is a major tradeoff between
numerical consistency and speed optimizations.  Typical users will
routinely and naively enable the highest speed compiler optimizations, with
no regard for consistency.  That is usually pursued as an afterthought, if
at all.

Compiler documentation such as GCC has explicit references to the effects
of optimizations on numerical standards.

On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 1:22 PM lostbits <> wrote:

> On 11/15/2024 12:03 PM, Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate via Users list for
> GNU Scientific Library (GSL) help wrote:
> > Floating point error and reproducibility is a very complex topic.
> >
> >> Why this behavior?
> > I am not a GCC expert.  However, my guess is that GCC knows the type of
> > on which it is installed.  Then by default, it emits the most optimal
> > instructions for that particular CPU.  Different CPU's have different
> > floating point hardware.  This is how the binaries compiled on A and B
> can
> > be different.  And then, different instructions and hardware can result
> in
> > differing roundoff error in some steps of large calculations.
> Why doesn't adherence to IEEE 754, the Floating Point standard, provide
> a guarantee of behavior? This behavior should be consistent with the
> IEEE 754 error issues. Is there a listing of computer chips which either
> violate the standards or which enhance the standard in such a way as to
> make calculations different on different computers. Is there a way to
> stabilize the calculations in such a way as to minimize the differences?
> >> Which one is the good one?
> > That can only be determined by careful numerical analysis or sufficiency
> > testing, or both.  That is beyond the scope of this forum.  Perhaps both
> > results are good, depending on your actual needs.  For example, in my
> field
> > of atmospheric forecasting, an accuracy of 1% would be astoundingly good.
> >
> >> Can I solve the issue?
> > There are some compiler optimizations specifically designed to improve
> > reproducibility.  Look for this in your compiler documentation.
> >
> > One approach is to experimentally disable some or all of the
> > compiler-controlled optimizations.  This only gets you closer to
> > reproducibility, and is not much help to determine actual correctness.
> > Typically I try "gcc -O0" to approach reproducibility.
> >
> > Also look for a way to display the applied optimizations for a particular
> > compile, and compare them between A and B.  Perhaps all you care about is
> > finding the one or two specific optimizations that can be disabled to
> make
> > identical results in your case.
> >
> > Try running the code generated by machine B on machine A.  If it crashes,
> > the diagnostic might tell you specifically which hardware feature on B is
> > absent from A.
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 12:10 PM Patrick Dupre <> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> The same application (relatively heavy code), provides different values
> >> when it
> >> is run and compiled on 2 different machines.
> >> Both F40 (last update)
> >> gcc (GCC) 14.2.1 20240912 (Red Hat 14.2.1-3)
> >> One
> >> Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz
> >> The other one
> >> Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
> >> Actually, this happens when I use the gsl library.
> >> gsl-devel-2.7.1-8.fc40.x86_64
> >> for integration (gsl_integration_cquad).
> >> Before integration, the values are strictly identical.
> >> The same Makefile is used.
> >> Now, if I copy the code generated by the machine A on machine B,
> >> I get the same results as it had been run on machine A.
> >> The size of both codes are slightly different.
> >> I conclude that the issue is due to the compiler.
> >> Indeed, the difference in the generated values seems pretty constant,
> >> i.e., it seems proportional to the value itself: of the order 2.7e-8
> >> (relative difference)
> >> i.e. a lot higher than the accuracy of the machine: < 1e-35.
> >>
> >> Which one is the good one?
> >> Why this behavior?
> >> Can I solve the issue?
> >>
> >> Thank for any help.
> >>
> >>
> ===========================================================================
> >>   Patrick DUPRÉ                                 | | email:
> >>
> ===========================================================================
> >>

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