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Re: Error when trying to run "docker-compose up"

From: Ian Eure
Subject: Re: Error when trying to run "docker-compose up"
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 13:16:42 -0700
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2

Samuel Schmidt <> writes:


I am facing the same problem, but I have to use docker-compose. 
I guess there are no plans to fix this atm? :/ Or did you find any help regarding this problem?

Am 17.01.2024 um 21:53, Rodrigo Morales <> schrieb:Rodrigo Morales <> writes:

Does anyone know what could be the problem?

I found this thread [1] on help-guix from 2019 where a user reports
having errores with docker-compose. A user replies:

The root of this problem is that our docker-compose package is very
old: it was added in January 2016(!), and has never been updated
since. I guess that proves how unneccessary Docker is once you've
discovered Guix… ducks

Furthermore, I noticed that the version of docker-compose is 1.29.2 and upstream [2] is at 2.12.0, so even if I fix this problem. I'll be using an old version of docker-compose. For my use case, it would be more useful to use the latest version of docker-compose, so if I wanted to use docker-compose under Guix, I would need for me to write a Guix
package for that version.

Note also that this is a Docker Compose v1->v2 upgrade. The newer version is completely different from v1, it’s a plugin that integrates with the Docker CLI, so you run `docker compose' rather than `docker-compose'. We likely need a completely new package for it.

I have one question: The user above states that Docker is unnecessary once you have discovered Guix. I have been using Guix for around 6 months, but I don't see how I could use Guix for running a web server on a container that uses node.js and postgresql. The reason why I initially wanted to use docker is because I find it more convenient to run a web server with node.js and postgresql. Any information on this topic is

I continue to find both Guix and Docker useful. While they have some overlapping goals, I don’t believe either can replace the other.

The closest thing to Docker Compose I’m aware of that you can do with pure Guix is create an operating-system with the services you want to run, then use `guix system image -t docker my-machine-definition.scm' to bundle it as a Docker image. This will bring up a container with the base Guix and those services running inside.

This setup lacks some niceties which Compose has:

Everything seems to run in the same namespace[1], so a compromise of one service is more likely to compromise the whole system. Compose is more resistant to this, since each service runs in its own namespace (that is, container). I don’t know of a Guix equivalent for the Compose style of multi-container setup.

I haven’t compared, but I strongly suspect the image sizes are larger than an equivalent plain Docker image, due to having the base Guix inside them, whereas many Docker images use (or have the option of) an Alpine base.

It can only run things with a Guix package and Shepherd service to manage it.

Updates are likely slower than vendor-provided Docker images.

It’s also a more involved setup -- you have to write the config, and build the image, and load it, and run it. In fact, I have yet to actually make a system image that works *at all*. Compose is dead simple in comparison.

 — Ian

[1]: At least, if Shepherd can run services in their own namespaces, like Docker can, the manual is silent on the topic.

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