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Re: audio interface for Guix

From: Felix Lechner
Subject: Re: audio interface for Guix
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 09:41:02 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.7; emacs 29.4

Hi Gottfried,

On Fri, Nov 29 2024, gfp wrote:

> How did you manage to use it in Guix?

Lesik will give you a better answer, although "the Komplete Audio 1 is
class-compliant." [1]

You can investigate a lot already with 'lsusb' and then with 'alsamixer"
(from alsa-utils).  Alsamixer is a console program that uses Ncurses for
graphics and has some odd keybindings [2] but you may just have to
unmute it.

My understaning is all modern sound daemons such as PulseAudio or
Pipewire are built on top of ALSA, which stands for Advanced Linux Sound

Please send the songs you will records with your new system!

Kind regards


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