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Re: Packaging Proton Bridge: cryptic compilation failure

From: Ian Eure
Subject: Re: Packaging Proton Bridge: cryptic compilation failure
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 17:29:12 +0000

Hi Marek,

On Sat, Nov 30, 2024, at 4:26 PM, Marek Paśnikowski wrote:
> Hello Guix
> I am towards the end of a first pass of packaging the Proton Bridge program 
> to 
> access my Proton Mail with KMail.
> I have worked through and learned about many peculiarities of Golang build 
> system.  As long as I had an error message, I was able to at least work 
> around 
> problems.  However, the latest build failure is completely cryptic to me, as 
> its log contains zero error messages.  It works fine until I get a "build 
> failed" summary:
> [snip]
> The entire package code is on my personal channel, in "proton-bridge" branch. 
> There is one external dependency on the Efraim’s DFSG channel.

I'm not able to replicate your failure, because your channel has some other 
dependencies I'm missing:

        $ guix build -v 3 -KL /tmp/sovereign/ proton-bridge --cores=1
        guix build: warning: failed to load '(sovereign devices amd64)':
        no code for module (dfsg main golang)
        guix build: warning: failed to load '(sovereign packages bradenaw)':
        no code for module (dfsg main golang)
        guix build: warning: failed to load '(sovereign systems aisaka)':
        no code for module (suweren commons sudoers)
        guix build: warning: failed to load '(sovereign systems akashi)':
        no code for module (machines thinkpad-x200)
        guix build: warning: failed to load '(sovereign systems ayase)':
        no code for module (suweren commons sudoers)
        guix build: warning: failed to load '(sovereign systems mcdowell)':
        no code for module (users id1000)
        guix build: error: proton-bridge: unknown package

The Guix manual has a Debugging Build Failures[1] section, which has some good 
general advice for these kinds of problems.  I also suggest opening the build 
log file (its path should be printed near the end of the build's stdout) and 
reading through there -- the build-system output makes things noisier in a way 
that can sometimes make it hard to see the true cause of the failure.  For 
whatever reason, it's usually easier for me to spot the problem when I'm paging 
through the log file, rather than looking at the same output on the terminal.

  -- Ian


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