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Fwd: Java API of libidn

From: Guus der Kinderen
Subject: Fwd: Java API of libidn
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 00:05:42 +0200

(this is an attachment-less forward of an E-mail that I sent earlier, but bounced)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Guus der Kinderen <address@hidden>
Date: 2009/8/29
Subject: Re: Java API of libidn
To: Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden

Hello again,

Implementing an automated process seems overkill to me too. As the code is mature and stable, having the latest version available in the repository should be sufficient.

I have attached two files to this message. The pom.xml file is a maven project description file. Please review it, as it states the project licence, name, version and other important identifiers. Most of the content I copied from the project website.

The attached pom.xml file was used to generate the other file that's attached, which is the upload bundle for version 1.15 of the Java API of the IDN code. The bundle contains the project binaries, javadoc, source and pom.xml description.

This bundle.jar is ready to be included in the central Maven repository. Simon, could you please follow the directions listed as "Step 2 Posting the request" at
That's it. Nothing more should be required to get the bundle uploaded to the repository.

If you would like to build the IDN java API using Maven, or create a new bundle that can be uploaded to the central Maven repository, then save the pom.xml file in the root of the project. It should be saved next to the /java/ directory - having this one in the /java/ directory is a bit tricky, as the java source is in that directory directly, instead of in a subdirectory of /java/. Downloading and installing Maven is all that's then required to manage the project via Maven. To recreate the upload bundle (or possibly, to create another bundle for another version of the software), simply issue this command (assuming that the Maven executable 'mvn' is on the path). Make sure that the working directory is the root directory of the project (where the pom.xml file resides):

$ mvn source:jar javadoc:jar repository:bundle-create

Be aware that the first few commands that you execute in Maven usually take a long time to complete, as Maven downloads those bits and pieces needed to execute the command only then. The second time will be a lot speedier.

The Maven website at provides clear and detailed instructions for other usages.

I think I've covered most of the basics. (The Maven website provides a lot more information, for those interested in Maven). If you'd like some more information, drop me a note.



2009/8/28 Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
Guus der Kinderen <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Simon,
> Thanks for your quick reply.
> A bit of background: Apache Maven allows you to define dependencies for a
> (java) project. When a Maven-managed project is built, Maven will resolve
> these dependenies (and their dependencies) for you. Corresponding binaries
> are downloaded from a repository, things are organized automatically - you
> really don't have to worry about anything. It would be very useful to add
> libidn to the central Maven repository. In that way, libidn can be used as a
> dependency for every project that's build using Maven.

Thanks for explaining.

> I would be happy to provide the Maven repository artifacts of libidn. For
> these to be included in the central repository, the repository owners
> request that a project member submits them - which is where you would come
> in.
> There's a lot of other Maven-related options that could be explored, but me
> providing you with the artifacts of the latest build, and you submitting
> them to the Maven repository would be a very good mix between effort
> spent/objectives met for me.
> Submitting artifacts to the repo is done by opening a ticket in a JIRA
> tracker, and providing 'proof' that you own the code (your name mentioned on
> the libidn website will do). It's explained here
> "step 2: Posting the request").
> I'll try to get you the artifacts later tonight,

Sounds good, I may not have time to do it until next week, but should
then be able to do it quickly if you give me exact instructions.  The
java code have not been modified in a quite a while, so perhaps it is
overkill to automate uploading of new releases.  If it is easy achieve,
we could look into it though.

Btw, please keep help-libidn in the cc to archive the discussion and
make other people aware of this contribution.


> Regards,
>   Guus
> 2009/8/28 Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
>> Guus der Kinderen <address@hidden> writes:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Would you consider releasing the Java API of libidn as a Maven artifact?
>> >
>> > Maven is a build manager for Java projects:
>> >
>> > Having libidn available in the central Maven repository would be helpful
>> for
>> > me (and a lot of other potential users, I bet), as I'd like to include an
>> > up-to-date version of libidn as a dependency of a Maven-configured
>> project.
>> Hi.  Without having understood it all, it seems like a good idea to me.
>> What is needed to make this happen?  I would appreciate help here.
>> /Simon

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