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[Help-liquidwar6] New snapshot

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: [Help-liquidwar6] New snapshot
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 03:10:19 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060928)


As some of you might not be subscribed to info-liquidwar6, I just send
out the message, which should sound like "good news" : there's something
to try. Really.

No real gameplay, it's just a toy, but:
1) it can be used to try out maps
2) feedback on installation problems is always interesting
3) gives an idea of what's going on

Of course there's a lot of work left, but well, there's some meat now.

Next major steps should be:
-> network code (*the* big thing)
-> enabling sound (yes Tim, it's coming)
-> documentation (I bet Kasper will like this one)

Have a nice day,


PS: I'm saying "working demo" but of course, no nice packaging yet. Die
hard GNU/Linux users should be able to compile it as easily as any
package which has about 20 dependencies. Oooooops 8-) If you are not
comfortable with installing packages from source, wait a bit, or get
ready to learn how to type "./configure && make && make install" and
expect bazillions of cryptic messages on standard console output ;-P

Christian Mauduit <address@hidden>     __/\__ ___
                                        \~/ ~/(`_ \   ___                   /_o _\   \ \_/ _ \_ (GnuPG)    \/      \___/ \__)

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