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MAKE and backup - feature request

From: Ph. Marek
Subject: MAKE and backup - feature request
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 15:03:23 +0200

Hi everybody,

I've got a feature request.

I'm going (in a script) through my users' home directory to find all files
worth backing up. But: occasionly are there some MB generated from small
programs (down to a few hundred bytes). As it would be possible to back up
only the sources and neither the binary or the result files, I'd need a
possibility to find the sources.

So my thought goes: gcc has a switch to get the dependencies from a given
.c-file. If make had a switch to emit all target and intermediary files
from a given Makefile, I could ignore them during backup.

It would be less worth to get a list of "lowest-level" files (leaf nodes in
the info manual) - there could be eg. some auxiliary text files that should
be backed up. But a list of files to ignore would be perfect.

Thank you for your humour,
keep your spirits up,



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