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Re: Can anyone give clue as to what does this 'make' error mean?

From: psmith
Subject: Re: Can anyone give clue as to what does this 'make' error mean?
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 11:15:58 -0500

> From: "Bharath.L" <address@hidden>
> Subject: Can anyone give clue as to what does this 'make' error mean?

Please don't send HTML to these mailing lists; they are text-only.  Thanks!

> The following is the error that I got while 'make'ing in the pSoS =
> environment.  I could not make out from going through the makefile why
> should it give such error. Since there is not syntactic error in the
> makefile.

> Also, the same makefile had been compiled in another environment.

> make: Fatal error in reader: psos_make.rule, line 66: Unexpected end of line 
> seen

This error message is never generated by GNU make, which means that the
version of make you're using is not GNU make.

Which means, especially since you didn't provide us with the actual line
(plus a few lines of context) in question, there's basically nothing we
on this list can do to help you.

You should rather try a mailing list or newsgroup associated with your
version of make, or your OS if it's a version that comes with the

Good luck!

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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