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Checking the exit status of a command executed from within a GNUmakefile

From: Benjamin Edwards
Subject: Checking the exit status of a command executed from within a GNUmakefile
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 13:48:13 -0800 (PST)

I'm having trouble getting the exit status of a
command executed from within a GNUmakefile.  I'm
executing the command using backticks, but I'm not
able to get the exit status of that command.  I'm
trying to access the exit status using "$?", but that
doesn't seem to work for me.

example snippet -

target: clean
        for file in $(FILES) ; do \
                echo "   => Processing $$file" ; \
                `<command>` ; \
                echo "RETURN CODE == $?" ; \
        done ; \

Any ideas?  What am I doing incorrectly here?

- Ben

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