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Choosing between several rules for a single targed based on prerequisite

From: Yannick Patois
Subject: Choosing between several rules for a single targed based on prerequisites avaibility
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 11:31:29 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird (X11/20050324)


I have a target (A) that can be build either by applying a given rule on
a prerequisites (P1) or another rule on another prerequisites (P2).

I would like a Makefile that does:
- If only one of P1 or P2 exists, use the available rule to build it
- If both exists, use P1

Is there a way to say that in a Makefile?
I couldnt find anything about this.



 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
| irc(undernet): Garp on #france25+ | 1, rue de Bale                   |
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| Tel-home: +(33)(0)3 88 84 88 16   | FRANCE                           |

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