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RE: Problem with $* and $$*

Subject: RE: Problem with $* and $$*
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 12:40:21 -0500

As one who has recently gone through this These are the changes I would
$< to $$<

get rid of the shell,   It already is in a shell

I would suggest breaking it into small pieces for better readability


$(OBJ_DIR)$(1)_%$(DBG_SUFFIX)$(DEP_EXT) : $(2)/%$(SRC_EXT)
    $(VERBOSE_ECHO) $(SHELL) -ec '$(CPP) | sed '\''s/\($$*\)\.o[
:]*/$(shell echo $(OBJ_DIR)$(1)_ | sed 's/\//\\\//g')\1$(DBG_SUFFIX).o
$(subst /,\/,$$@) : /g'\'' > $$@'

> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden 
> [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf 
> Of Xavier Marichal
> Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 12:12 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Problem with $* and $$*
> Hi!
> I'm working on a relatively big projects which I'm currently 
> simplifying 
> by using templates (with define, call and eval) in order to have more 
> generic makefiles for the whole project instead of modules specific 
> Makefiles.
> So far, I was using the following rules to generate the dependencies 
> (which I store with a particular prefix, hence the sed commands):
> $(CXXINCLDIRS) $< | sed '\''s/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/$(shell echo 
> | sed 's/\//\\\//g')\1$(DBG_SUFFIX).o $(subst /,\/,$@) : /g'\'' > $@'
> Now, I'm instantiating this for every one of my modules through a 
> template function. I provide the function with argument 1 about my 
> module name and argument 2 about the location of the sources.
> The function then becomes
> $(OBJ_DIR)$(1)_%$(DBG_SUFFIX)$(DEP_EXT) : $(2)/%$(SRC_EXT)
>     $(VERBOSE_ECHO) $(SHELL) -ec '$(CXX) -MM $(FINAL_$(1)_CPPFLAGS) 
> $(CXXINCLDIRS) $< | sed '\''s/\($$*\)\.o[ :]*/$(shell echo 
> $(OBJ_DIR)$(1)_ | sed 's/\//\\\//g')\1$(DBG_SUFFIX).o $(subst 
> /,\/,$$@) 
> : /g'\'' > $$@'
> However, I receive a plenty of messages such as:
> sed: -e expression #2, char 70: Unknown option to 's'
> g++.exe: no input files
> g++.exe: no input files
> sed: -e expression #2, char 69: Unknown option to 's'
> g++.exe: no input files
> sed: -e expression #2, char 64: Unknown option to 's'
> g++.exe: no input files
> sed: -e expression #2, char 74: Unknown option to 's'
> g++.exe: no input files
> ...
> The error comes from the stem which is apparently empty instead of 
> providing sed with the file name. I read in the Makefile that it is 
> indeed the problem with $* and $$* when there are two passes 
> as in eval. 
> However, I cannot figure out what I shall use instead.
> Anyone can help me?
> Many thanks,
> Xavier
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