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Multi-Arch Multi-directories make

From: Uri Shkolnik
Subject: Multi-Arch Multi-directories make
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 03:25:16 -0700 (PDT)


I'm still stuck with the problem below. I tried to
consult the GNU Make Manual ("secondary expansion",
"eval", and SHELL), but I couldn't "make" it to work.

Any idea?



> Hi,
> I would like to write the main makefile of
> Multi-arch,
> Multi-modules project.
> What I wrote in order to run all dependent makefile
> is:
>       $(UTILS_MODULE)/build/sms1000 \
>       $(DVB_H_HANDOVER_MODULE)/build/sms1000 \
> .PHONY: test1
> test1: CreateMasterParamFile
>       @echo **** TEST ****
>       $(foreach dir, $(MAKEDIRS), $(MAKE) clean -C
> $(dir);)
> This makefile segment will work well in UNIX based
> OS,
> but not in win32, because the ";"  (semicolon) is a
> delimiter between two UNIX shell commands, but not
> in
> dos (where is maybe should be "&&" but you can't put
> this in the makefile)
> So, my questions are: - 
> 1) How do you write such makefile segment for
> dos/win32?
> 2) Is it possible two write the same makefile for
> both
> (UNIX/win32) without any penalty at execution time?
> Thanks,
> Uri
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