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Re: how to reference the directory where current Makefile resides ?

From: Yakov Lerner
Subject: Re: how to reference the directory where current Makefile resides ?
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 18:48:29 +0300

On 5/19/07, Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 10:34:08 +0300
> From: "Yakov Lerner" <address@hidden>
> How can I reference the directory where the currently executed Makefile
> resides (like what $(dirname $0) is in bash ) ?

Does ${CURDIR} do what you want?

No. Both  $(CURDIR) and  $(shell pwd) do not do what I want.
Because my CURDIR is not where Makefile resides.
Here is small demo example:

         cd /tmp # /tmp is my cwd, and /var/tmp will be dir of Makefiles
         echo 'all: ; echo this is sub.make' >/var/tmp/sub.make
         echo 'include sub.make' >/var/tmp/Makefile
         make -f /var/tmp/Makefile
/var/tmp/Makefile:1: /tmp/sub.make: No such file or directory

I need to fix the line 'include sub.make' to something like
'include $(dirname $0)/sub.make' where $(dirname $0) would
be directory of toplevel makefile.

The difference between what i need and $(CURDIR) is same as
difference between `pwd` and $(dirname $0) when my cwd *IS NOT* same
as directory where Makefile/script resides.

Both bourne shell and perl have clear idiom for "directory where
toplevel script resides", which is `dirname $0` in bourne shell, and
dirname($0) in perl.

I can't believe gmake doesn't have expression for
"directory where toplevel Makefile resides" ?


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