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Re: Copied sourcefiles, automatic dependencies

From: Paul Smith
Subject: Re: Copied sourcefiles, automatic dependencies
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 22:35:41 -0400

On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 19:09 +0200, Torsten Mohr wrote:

> In a large project we have the sources organised in several subdirectories,
> for example:
> SRC := some/where/main.c a/directory/gui.c some/where/else/stuff.c
> VPATH := some/where a/directoy some/where/else
> BASENAMES := $(patsubst %.c,%,$(foreach f,$(notdir $f),$(SRC)))

This is unnecessarily complex; you can just use:

  BASENAMES := $(basename $(notdir $(SRC)))

Or, if you really do want to only strip the .c and leave any other
suffixes alone, you can use:

  BASENAMES := $(patsubst %.c,%,$(notdir $(SRC)))

> As mentioned in an email before, i thought about creating a deep directory
> structure underneath dep_dir, so the dependency file for some/where/main.c
> would be dep_dir/some/where/main.d or creating other filenames like
> dep_dir/some_where_main.d .  But i think that would lead to other problems,
> for example:
> %.d : %.c
>       @ makedepend ...
> I think this could not be written like this any more because the dependency
> files can't be simply found any more.

Using underscores you'll definitely have this problem, because your
target name and prerequisite name don't match each other.  However, if
you use a deep directory then it works fine, just write:

  dep_dir/%.d : %.d
                $(MAKEDEPEND) ...

Make will match the "%" as if they were strings (to make that's all they
are) so they can be deep if you want (as long as they are identical).

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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