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Re: another target variable question

From: Philip Guenther
Subject: Re: another target variable question
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 16:14:19 -0600

On 8/3/07, cbrown <address@hidden> wrote:
> ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
>         @echo "($@,$(CURR))"
> ifeq ($@,$(CURR))
>         @echo gonna clean $@
> else
>         @echo NOT gonna clean $@
> endif
> else
>         @echo gonna $(MAKECMDGOALS) $@
> endif
> When I execute "make CURR=a clean", I get;
> (b,a)
> NOT gonna clean b
> (a,a)
> NOT gonna clean a
> How come the "ifeq ($@,$(CURR))" doesn't work?

Because make's conditionals are evaluated during the parse of the
makefile, while target-specific variables like $@ are only set during
the evaluation of the target's rules.

> Is there an easier path to my goal?

Yes: use a shell conditional for the test of $@:

ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
       @echo "($@,$(CURR))"
       @if [ x"$@" = x"$(CURR)" ]; then \
           echo gonna clean $@; \
       else \
           echo NOT gonna clean $@; \
       @echo gonna $(MAKECMDGOALS) $@

Note the placement of semicolons and backslashes and that the leading
'@' is only on the first line of the multi-line command.

Philip Guenther

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