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RE: using output of perl script in make file

From: Dave Korn
Subject: RE: using output of perl script in make file
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 19:54:34 +0100

On 25 October 2007 18:41, Ken Smith wrote:

> On 10/25/07, Brian Dessent <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Ashish Raikwar wrote:
>>> RELEASE_TAG_VALUE=$(shell perl ./ -v)
>>> BUILD_DATE_VALUE=$(shell date -u +"%A-%b-%d-%Y-%H:%M:%S")
> if RELEASE_TAG_VALUE isn't getting the value you expect, then the
> problem is that is not writing the text to standard output.

  Well, either that, or perhaps make is not currently in the same CWD as the script; might be worth trying a full path to it instead of just the 
'./' prefix.  Or adding something like 

$(info dir $(CURDIR) contains $(wildcard ./*.pl))

at a convenient point.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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