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Re: Multiple expansion works in rules, but not in actions

From: Alexander Kriegisch
Subject: Re: Multiple expansion works in rules, but not in actions
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 18:00:52 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Forgive me, I sent the wrong example and it is not really about multiple
expansion but about changing values:


        @echo "## $(FOO) ##"


The target name $(FOO) is expanded to "bla", but $(FOO) is expanded to
nothing inside the action. I studied the manual of GNU make 3.81, but
found no explanation for this effect. Can you point me to the section I
should read in order to unserstand how changing values affect actions?
Alexander Kriegisch

> Can anybody explain why this does not work?
> FOO=bla
> BAR=blu
> $($(FOO)_xxx): baz
>       @echo "$($(FOO)_xxx)"
> Multiple expansion works for the target definition and possible
> prerequisites, but not for the echo or any other shell commands inside
> actions. Is this a bug or a feature? Can I somehow use multiple
> expansion in an action?

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