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Re: interrupt make

From: Fritz Code
Subject: Re: interrupt make
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 14:50:32 +0200

Okay thanks.

One more thing.
One part of condition should be set by a shell script.

ifneq ($(shell ./error_check),0)
    @echo "error";
    $(error ...)
    @echo "no error";

Only if the called bash script error_check (it is in the current
directory and executable) doesn't return 0 the error-function should
be called. But unfort. the script doesn't return a value or it event
doesn't get called?
I have also tried with ifneq ($eval ($(shell ./error_check)),0) but
then I get an Make error:
Makefile:14: *** missing separator.  Schluss.

Thanks and sorry for my newbie-questions

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Stephan Beal<address@hidden> wrote:
>> error-t:
>>    @echo "E R R O R";\
>>    $(error error-message)
> You're mis-using $(error) here. $(error) is MAKE code, not SHELL code, and
> therefore belongs in the MAKE parts of the makefile. e.g.
> ifneq (0,1)
> $(error ...)
> endif
> --
> ----- stephan beal


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