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Re: creating multiple outputs with a tool in one step

From: Oleksandr Gavenko
Subject: Re: creating multiple outputs with a tool in one step
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 11:01:39 +0200
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On 2010.02.06 19:53, Maxim Yegorushkin wrote:
On 25/01/10 08:59, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:
On 2010.01.24 16:04, James McElhannon wrote:
> Suppose I have a file A that is dependent on B and C. I have a tool,
> mytool, that can create B and C at one time from their respective
> sources. When making A, I would want make to do "mytool B C" as one of
> its steps.

Sorry GNU make does not support this directly.

It does. See example 3 on

Wow, I thing than know all, but not!

From manual:

Pattern rules may have more than one target. Unlike normal rules, this does not act as many different rules with the same prerequisites and commands. If a pattern rule has multiple targets, make knows that the rule's commands are responsible for making all of the targets.

So %.y
    bison -d $<

for and run bison only once!

С уважением, Александр Гавенко.

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