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Re: Variable confusion

From: Paul Smith
Subject: Re: Variable confusion
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 08:37:23 -0400

On Tue, 2010-06-15 at 14:23 +0200, Gary wrote:
> ,----
> | $ make echo
> | -x --curdirinclast -I ../lib -I ../lib/db -I ../lib/ewz
> -I ../lib/ewz/ws -I ../lib/net -I ../lib/net/protocol
> -I ../lib/net/protocol/http
> `----
> ,----
> | $ make all
> | [snip]
> | -x --curdirinclast -I ../lib -I ../lib/db -I ../lib/ewz
> -I ../lib/ewz/ws -I ../lib/net -I ../lib/net/protocol
> -I ../lib/net/protocol/http
> | gpp -x --curdirinclast `find ../lib -type d \! \( -name '.*' -prune
> \) | sed -e 's/^/-I /'` -o FOO.php FOO.gpp
> `----
> The 'make all' works fine, I'm just trying to understand what's going
> on, i.e. why one call to echo produces one output and another produces
> different output.

Not sure what you're saying.  Both invocations of echo seem to show the
same output to me.

Maybe I just can't see it.  Can you explain _exactly_ what you mean by
"different output"?

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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