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Make 3.80 Vs Make 3.81 [3.81 gives error]

From: Rohit Arul Raj
Subject: Make 3.80 Vs Make 3.81 [3.81 gives error]
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 16:13:53 +0530

Hi All,

I had a simple makefile (code given below) which used to execute a
perl command. It used to work fine with GNU Make 3.80.

/****************** Makefile Contents [Failure with v3.81]   ******************/

        echo "building"
        perl -e {'$$irobj_str=undef; @a = `ls *`; \
         {foreach (@a) { chomp; $$irobj_str .= "$_ "; }}
substr($$irobj_str, -1) = ""; \
        `echo "hi"`;'}


It gives the following error with GNU Make 3.81:

/******************* E R R O R ****************/
perl -e {'$irobj_str=undef; @a = `ls *`; \
         {foreach (@a) { chomp; $irobj_str .= "/_TOOLS_/wrap/bin/make
"; }} substr($irobj_str, -1) = ""; \
        `echo "hi"`;'}
syntax error at -e line 2, near "{foreach "
syntax error at -e line 2, near "}}"


With a small change (combining 1st and 2nd line of perl command), the
script runs properly.

/****************** Makefile Contents [PASS with v3.81]   ******************/

        echo "building"
        perl -e {'$$irobj_str=undef; @a = `ls *`;  {foreach (@a) {
chomp; $$irobj_str .= "$_ "; }} substr($$irobj_str, -1) = ""; \
        `echo "hi"`;'}


Can any one point out the reason for that error message?

Thanks in advance for the help.


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