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RE: Need help with GNU make: "No rule to make target"

From: Jay Lawrence
Subject: RE: Need help with GNU make: "No rule to make target"
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 13:44:15 -0400

Two thoughts Jeremy, First you have an extra parenthesis '($(OBJS))', the
outer parens aren't necessary and I don't know what they will do.

        # With substitution
        tst_%: tst_%.c $(INCS) $(LIBVUTL) ($(OBJS)) $(LIBVLIB)
             $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< $(LDOPTS) -o $@

Secondly, when I build pattern rules, I separate the dependencies from the
recipe. I would write this as (with the extra () removed):

        # With substitution
        tst_%: $(INCS) $(LIBVUTL) $(OBJS) $(LIBVLIB)
        tst_%: tst_%.c
             $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< $(LDOPTS) -o $@

Hope it helps ...


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Burri,
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Jed Brown; address@hidden
Subject: RE: Need help with GNU make: "No rule to make target"

Actually attaching the attachment would help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Burri, Jeremy 
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 10:28 AM
To: 'Jed Brown'; address@hidden
Subject: RE: Need help with GNU make: "No rule to make target"

Hi Jeb,

Sorry for the delayed response.  I do my development on a closed system (no
network access), so I have to print out the material and retype it.  Here is
the stripped down version of the Makefile which still exhibits the issue:

        ROOTDIR    = ../../..

        VLIBDIR    = $(ROOTDIR)/libs/vlib
        LIBVLIB    = $(VLIBDIR)/lib/libvec.a
        LIBVUTL    = $(VLIBDIR)/tst/libutl.a

        MYLDOPTS   = -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread

        USE_INTEL  = /usr/local/etc/use_ictce4
        INTEL_VERS = 64 20100414Z
        ICCFLGS    = -O3 -ip -axPTW -D_GNU_SOURCE -D H5_USE_16_API

        MKL_PATH       := $(shell $(USE_INTEL) mkl_library_path
        export PATH    := $(shell $(USE_INTEL) path $(INTEL_VERS))
        export LD_PATH := $(shell $(USE_INTEL) ld_library_path

        VECINC = $(VLIBDIR)/include
        MKLINC = /opt/intel/ictce/

        INCS = vparm.h $(VECINC)/vlib.h
        OBJS = prttime.o fftunpk.o

        CONLY = -c
        LDFLAGS = -L$(MKL_PATH)
        AR = ar
        ARFLAGS = rcv
        CC = icc

        TSTS = tst_rvfft2d

        all: $(LIBVUTL) $(TSTS)

        $(LIBVUTL): $(OBJS)
            $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBVUTL) $?

        # With substitution
        tst_%: tst_%.c $(INCS) $(LIBVUTL)($OBJS)) $(LIBVLIB)
             $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< $(LDOPTS) -o $@

        # Without substitution
        #tst_rvfft2d: tst_rvfft2d.c $(INCS) $(LIBVUTL)($OBJS)) $(LIBVLIB)
        #     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< $(LDOPTS) -o $@

        $(LIBVLIB): FORCE
            cd ..; $(MAKE)

             rm -f *.o
             rm -f $(TSTS)
             rm -f $(LIBVUTL)

        run: runtst

             for tst in $(TSTS); do ./$$tst; done

Here is the output when running make:

        address@hidden tst]$ make -f Makefile_tst clean all
        rm -f *.o
        rm -f tst_rvfft2d
        rm -f ../../../libs/vlib/tst/libutl.a
        icc -I../../../libs/vlib/include
-I/opt/intel/ictce/ -O3 -ip -axPTW -D_GNU_SOURCE -D
H5_USE_16_API -c -o prttime.o prttime.c
        icc -I../../../libs/vlib/include
-I/opt/intel/ictce/ -O3 -ip -axPTW -D_GNU_SOURCE -D
H5_USE_16_API -c -o fftunpk.o fftunpk.c
        ar rcv ../../../libs/vlib/tst/libutl.a prttime.o fftunpk.o
        a - prttime.o
        a - fftunpk.o
        make: *** No rule to make target 'tst_rvfft2d', needed by 'all'.

Since I have to retype the material, I was worried about making a typo so I
included the print out with the original material in it.  You will see a
copy of the above Makefile and output.  You will also find the output when
substitution is not used. Remember, the above Makefile works in RHEL4 with
make 3.80, but does not work with RHEL5 with make 3.81.

As a test, I created a simple Makefile with substitution and of course it
works fine. You can see the Makefile and output in the same attached file.
This would lead me to believe that there is an issue with my Makefile (no
big surprise), but the issue is manifesting itself is a way that I don't
understand. It does not seem to be an issue with the actual pattern
substitution, but if this is true then why is it manifesting itself as a
pattern substitution error?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Brown [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Jed Brown
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 5:48 PM
To: Burri, Jeremy; address@hidden
Subject: RE: Need help with GNU make: "No rule to make target"

"Burri, Jeremy" <address@hidden> writes:
>  When I run "make all" I get the following under RHEL5 with make v3.81:
>       Make: *** No rule to make target 'tst_rvfft2d', needed by 'all'.

Huh, I can't reproduce.  Is the above your complete makefile and do you have
anything in MAKEFLAGS?

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