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RE: make is setting exit code to 0 when gcc command fails

From: David Aldrich
Subject: RE: make is setting exit code to 0 when gcc command fails
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 10:12:07 +0000

Thanks for your replies. I haven't fixed this yet.

> Why don't you provide a sample of the makefile that doesn't work? 

Here is the essence of my makefile (which makes a static library):

# List the object files that comprise this library
OBJFILES = ErrorHandler.o \
           EnvVars.o \
           EVD.o \
include $(TRUNKDIR)/

and here is


# Set include path
CXXFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(INCPATH))

# Debug mode

# Release mode. Optimise for speed 

# Ensure that output directories exist
REQUIRED_DIRS := $(shell mkdir -p $(OBJDIR_D); mkdir -p $(OBJDIR_R) )

# This is the default target. 
# Running make with no command line arguments will build the release mode 
version of the library.
.PHONY : release
release : $(OBJDIR_R)/lib$(STATICLIBNAME).a

# Running 'make debug' will build the debug mode version of the library.
.PHONY : debug
debug : $(OBJDIR_D)/lib$(STATICLIBNAME).a

# Running 'make all' will build the debug and release mode versions of the 
.PHONY : all
all : release debug

# Running 'make clean' will remove the output files
.PHONY: clean
        @rm -rf $(OBJDIR_D)
        @rm -rf $(OBJDIR_R)

# Below are the rules for building the debug or release library. Note that
# included in each rule is a command to run versionInfo on the source files
# of the library. versionInfo generates SourceFileInfo.cpp, which is compiled
# and linked into the library and then deleted.

# Rule for building release library
$(OBJDIR_R)/lib$(STATICLIBNAME).a : $(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR_R)/%,$(OBJFILES))
        $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS_R) SourceFileInfo.cpp -o 
        @rm -f SourceFileInfo.cpp
        $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^ $(OBJDIR_R)/SourceFileInfo.o

# Rule for building debug library
$(OBJDIR_D)/lib$(STATICLIBNAME).a : $(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR_D)/%,$(OBJFILES))
        $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS_D) SourceFileInfo.cpp -o 
        @rm -f SourceFileInfo.cpp
        $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^ $(OBJDIR_D)/SourceFileInfo.o

# Include dependency files to ensure they get updated
ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean"
    -include $(patsubst %.o,$(OBJDIR_R)/%.d,$(OBJFILES))
    -include $(patsubst %.o,$(OBJDIR_D)/%.d,$(OBJFILES))

# Rule for compiling in release mode
$(OBJDIR_R)/%.o : %.cpp
        @$(call make-depend,$<,$@,$(patsubst %.o,%.d,$@),$(CXXFLAGS_R))

# Rule for compiling in debug mode
$(OBJDIR_D)/%.o : %.cpp
        @$(call make-depend,$<,$@,$(patsubst %.o,%.d,$@),$(CXXFLAGS_D))

# $(call make-depend,source-file,object-file,depend-file,cxxflags)
# Compile and create a dependency file
define make-depend
    @echo $(CXX) -c $4 $1 -o $2; \
    $(CXX) -c -MMD -MP -MF $3.$$$$ $4 $1 -o $2; \
    sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,$(notdir $2) $3 : ,g' < $3.$$$$ > $3; \
    rm -f $3.$$$$


Any comments would be appreciated.

best regards


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